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Different Causes of Sleep Disorder

by A C March 06, 2019 2 min read

Different Causes of Sleep Disorder

There are many reasons why a lot of people are suffering from sleep disorder. It is very common among a third of the population. With so many factors affecting sleep, our sleep patterns can be altered. Thus, causing sleep disorder.

alarm clock black and whiteWith sleep disorder, it is hard to catch a good night sleep. Some people were able to sleep after hours of lying, while some can sleep easily but wakes easily too. This can cause trouble to our daily lives if it happens chronically and may affect our thinking and functioning.

We must know the reasons why sleep disorder occurs for us to prevent it from happening. Below are the main causes of sleep disorder.

Drinks with Caffeine

Drinking caffeinated drinks may cause sleep disorder. We all know that caffeine causes boost in energy, which is obviously a factor for our eyes not to shut down. Some may not be easily affected by this, while some are affected even with just a sip.


You may feel pain and other symptoms that is why you cannot sleep. A lot people have been complaining not being able to sleep due to some pain and discomfort. If you feel something painful, you must seek for medical help and treatment to cure the cause of your sleep disturbance. It will be very hard for a person to sleep when something is bothering him or her, especially pain. If this occurs for longer time or chronically, it can alter the sleep pattern. Thus, resulting in sleep disorder even when the pain is no longer present.

woman with migraineHormonal Changes

Women go through a lot of hormonal changes, during pregnancy and menopausal. This can cause a lot of alteration in the body, especially sleep. Melatonin decreases during menopausal, which makes it hard for the body to sleep. Anxiety could develop too. With this, it is better to seek treatments and help. There are a lot of reliever for this kind of situation.

Bladder Control

It can be hard to sleep when your bladder is full. When you drink too much fluid at later parts of the day, or when you eat watery fruits like melon, your bladder can be too full. This will command your brain to wake up and go to the bathroom. It can be hard to fall asleep again. The quality of sleep is decreased every time you wake up. This disturbance will cause sleep disorder if it happens often. This is commonly experienced by men as they get older since their prostate enlarges with age. For women, muscle strength is very important to control their urination.

You may be wondering why you can’t sleep at night. Try to think if you have done the above mentioned and make a journal about it. With this, you will know what affects your sleep the most. So, the next time you can avoid such routine for a better sleep.

If you are already experiencing a sleep disorder, try organic sleep formula to ease the symptoms. This will help you get a quality sleep and help you feel refreshed every time you wake up.


Related Post >> Best Sleep Aid Supplements

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