Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder. One or more symptoms may appear to people with insomnia. Symptoms include, difficulty falling asleep, difficult staying asleep once sleeping, wakes up too early, and the feeling of being tired as soon as awake.
Causes of insomnia may include stress, discomfort, side-effects of medications, environmental factors, and switching of sleep time. On chronic insomnia, insomnia that been occurring for longer period of time, it may due to chronic stress, pain, anxiety and depression.
Due to the difficulty of sleeping well during the night, a person with insomnia might feel sleepy during the day, may be irritable, find it hard to concentrate and feel tiredness all over the body.
Insomnia may cause health issues due to lack of quality sleep. Diagnosing insomnia must be done by a trusted health care provider. The doctor may ask for a series of tests to determine if it is insomnia and what causes it.
There are supplements and remedies a person with insomnia can take in order to promote a good sleeping habit and stop the insomnia.
Melatonin is a natural sleep supplement. It induces sleep. Naturally, our body contains this hormone which rises at night and falls during the day. Melatonin is great to use for sudden change in sleeping pattern.
From Europe and Asia, Valerian root is a very common supplement used to aid sleep. This helps you get an improved sleep at night.
This natural herb is used as tea for ages. It has the ability to make you relax and acts as natural sleep supplement. Aside from sleep, drinkers of chamomile tea can also benefit from its healing power to treat inflammation and muscle spasms.
Do you think Gingko Biloba is only for cognition and memory? It is also beneficial for people with sleep disorders. It reduces symptoms of anxiety which has been linked to insomnia. Also, it treats fatigue, irritability, palpitations, lack of focus, nausea and trembling.
Certain foods contain tryptophan that may help in inducing stress. This will help you sleep longer.
This sleep formula is available on bottle with 60 veggie tablets. You have read above that tryptophan, chamomile, melatonin and valerian are good natural remedy for insomnia. This sleep formula has all that natural ingredients in one pill. This will surely induce sleep and will help you have longer quality sleep.
Treating insomnia with natural supplement is the best way to avoid undesirable effects. If left untreated, this can cause serious complications to mental, physical and emotional health. Without quality sleep at night, we cannot regain the energy lost during the day. Thus, making us weaker and weaker each morning.
It is best to develop good sleep habits in order to avoid insomnia and prevent further complications. Good sleep habits include going to bed same time, avoiding too much exposure to screen lights before sleep, exercising early in the morning, and keeping room clean and relaxing. Dim light also helps instead of bright day light to invite sleep.
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